
Every player at the Club must have this form submitted to the Club by their primary parent, carer or themselves if over 18. The details that are submitted here, allow the Club to have full records of all of it’s members, which complies with FA regulations. Please note that some of the details will be passed on to both the FA and the league in which the player is competing.

This form also contains sections in which you will have to grant or deny certain permissions, inform us of any medical conditions we need to be aware of, and state any medication the player is taking. Please read the questions carefully, and answer as accurately and as detailed as you can.

The Club has policies in place to protect all members, and FA guidelines are followed to ensure that the players experience of our Club is a safe, and enjoyable one. There are sections within this membership form that require you to read and accept these policies. Please ensure that you take the time to make yourself aware of what is expected of as a parent and as a player.

By submitting this form, you are also pledging to initiate and maintain a direct debit to make subscription payments. Details of which will be sent to you by email (if you are new to the club, upon completion of this form. If you already have a direct debit in place then we shall amend your payments details automatically.

Player subscriptions must be paid monthly via direct debit over a 12 month period, inclusive. Any missed payments will need to be made up, within seven days from payment date, and failure to do so may result in kit not being ordered, players being suspended from matches, training or from the club altogether.

Finally, we are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and we strictly adhere to the provisions of all relevant Data Protection Legislation, including GDPR, ensuring all personal data is handled in line with the principles outlined in that regulation. Your personal data is safe with us, and is never shared with anyone other than the organisations mentioned above.

There is only one payment option for the Club this coming season 24/25 – this is highlighted below

Register Now


U7’s-U18’s TEAMS

    Player Name

    Player Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY

    Primary/ Secondary School

    Image of Player - The FA database (WGS) require an image of your child which they will be uploaded onto their database. The image should show head and shoulders only, be of a quality that will clearly identify your child, and have been taken recently (within the last 6 months). Smiling is okay, but ensure that no hats or clothing cover facial features. Your application will be rejected if this is not completed.

    Saturday Football Team Name and Age Group

    Sunday Football Team Name and Age Group

    Home Address – number and street name

    Town or City


    Primary Carers Name for Players U18

    Primary Occupation

    Primary Carers Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY

    Primary Carers or Players Mobile Telephone Number

    Primary Carers or Players Email Address – this is required to register the player on the FA Database. This email will also be used for any club communication.

    Secondary Carers Name

    Secondary Occupation

    Secondary Carers Mobile Telephone Number

    Secondary Carers Email Address

    Does the player have any known health needs?

    The Club are always looking for volunteers to assist with various roles within the Club e.g. Coaching/ Admin/ Grass Maintenance. Would you be interested in supporting your Club?

    If Yes, which role are you interested in?

    Do you consent to images of your child if U18 or yourself if over 18 appearing on our social media sites?
    At times the Club may wish to take photos or videos of the team or individuals in it. We adhere to The FA Guidelines to ensure these are safe and respectful and used solely for the purposes for which they are intended, which is promotion and celebration of the activities of the Club, and for training purposes.

    Club Welfare - FA regulations and guidelines dictate that as a charter standard Club, we must have a Club Welfare Officer in place, along with a Safeguarding Policy, and relevant codes of conduct. All of this information can be found online here - please take the time to visit the page, ensure you are aware about who our CWO's are, and how you can deal with any welfare issues.

    By selecting 'Yes' from the drop down box below, as the child's primary carer you are agreeing to the safeguarding policies we have in place, and that you are aware of who the Club Welfare Officer is.

    Club Code of Conduct for Players and Parents - Please read our Club's code of conduct for the season, which can be found online here

    Club Expectations for Players and Parents - Please read our Club's Expectations for the season, which can be found online here

    By selecting 'Yes' from the drop-down box below, you are agreeing to abide by our Clubs Code of Conduct and Club's Expectations for Players and Parents.

    Subscription Payments - The Club requires monthly subscription payments from all of it's participating members, and has an instruction in place which must be adhered to by all.

    By selecting 'Yes' from the drop-down box below, as the child's primary carer or player if over 18 you are agreeing to the policy we have in place, and pledging to initiate and maintain your monthly subscription in a timely manner.

    Pro Direct size guide can be found online here



      Player Name

      Player Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY

      Primary/ Secondary School

      Image of Player - The FA database (WGS) require an image of your child which they will be uploaded onto their database. The image should show head and shoulders only, be of a quality that will clearly identify your child, and have been taken recently (within the last 6 months). Smiling is okay, but ensure that no hats or clothing cover facial features. Your application will be rejected if this is not completed.

      Team Name and Age Group

      Home Address – number and street name

      Town or City


      Primary Carers Name for Players U18

      Primary Occupation

      Primary Carers Date of Birth DD/MM/YYYY

      Primary Carers or Players Mobile Telephone Number

      Primary Carers or Players Email Address – this is required to register the player on the FA Database. This email will also be used for any club communication.

      Secondary Carers Name

      Secondary Occupation

      Secondary Carers Mobile Telephone Number

      Secondary Carers Email Address

      Does the player have any known health needs?

      The Club are always looking for volunteers to assist with various roles within the Club e.g. Coaching/ Admin/ Grass Maintenance. Would you be interested in supporting your Club?

      If Yes, which role are you interested in?

      Do you consent to images of your child if U18 or yourself if over 18 appearing on our social media sites?
      At times the Club may wish to take photos or videos of the team or individuals in it. We adhere to The FA Guidelines to ensure these are safe and respectful and used solely for the purposes for which they are intended, which is promotion and celebration of the activities of the Club, and for training purposes.

      Club Welfare - FA regulations and guidelines dictate that as a charter standard Club, we must have a Club Welfare Officer in place, along with a Safeguarding Policy, and relevant codes of conduct. All of this information can be found online here - please take the time to visit the page, ensure you are aware about who our CWO's are, and how you can deal with any welfare issues.

      By selecting 'Yes' from the drop down box below, as the child's primary carer you are agreeing to the safeguarding policies we have in place, and that you are aware of who the Club Welfare Officer is.

      Club Code of Conduct for Players and Parents - Please read our club code of conduct for the season, which can be found online here

      By selecting 'Yes' from the drop-down box below, you are agreeing to abide by our Clubs Code of Conduct for Players and Parents.

      Subscription Payments - The Club requires monthly subscription payments from all of it's participating members, and has an instruction in place which must be adhered to by all.

      By selecting 'Yes' from the drop-down box below, as the child's primary carer or player if over 18 you are agreeing to the policy we have in place, and pledging to initiate and maintain your monthly subscription in a timely manner.

      Pro Direct size guide can be found online here